Updated: May 01, 2023

20 Water Cooler Topics & Questions

You’ve found our list of water cooler topics.

Water cooler topics are fun and exciting subjects for workers to discuss around the office. These subjects can take a lighthearted approach to conversation or introduce more serious issues worthy of discussion. In addition, the right topics can help forge bonds between team members and reveal fascinating personal tidbits that might not come up in other scenarios. Examples of fun water cooler topics include binge-worthy streaming shows, the latest world events, and news around the office.

These prompts are conversation starters for work and are usable for virtual water cooler conversations. Water cooler topics pair well with icebreaker riddles and what-if questions during work meetings to help team members get to know one another better.

This list includes:

  • water cooler conversation starters
  • water cooler questions
  • funny water cooler topics
  • fun water cooler topics
  • things to talk about at the water cooler
  • office water cooler topics
  • water cooler questions of the day
  • water cooler trivia

Here we go!

List of water cooler topics & questions

From chatting about vacation plans to sharing encounters with celebrities, here are some ideas for water cooler topics to engage your team.

1. Office News

Office water cooler topics can keep workers clued into workplace developments they might not hear about otherwise. Sharing the latest news about organizational changes, acquisitions, and promotional opportunities allows communication among neighboring teams with limited interaction outside the breakroom. As with all water cooler chatter, office news should be tasteful and within the rules of work conduct to ensure professionalism during these exchanges.

2. Self-Improvement

For mindful teams, discussing self-improvement topics during water cooler chats can create a climate of inspiration. For example, start a brainstorming session to better organize your workspace or strategize a work-life balance blend. If your team prefers personal development, then a conversation about setting goals or creating a vision board will allow team members to share their ideas and experiences. You can also recommend books and media resources to assist your crew in improving themselves.

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3. Music

Music lovers can use water cooler conversation to share knowledge and learn about new bands. Even team members with a passing interest in music can chat about their favorite albums, share stories recalling their best concert experiences, and discover little-known facts about familiar musicians. For teammates who play instruments, a water cooler session may become a jam session, provided your workspace allows instruments on the premises!

4. Beloved Books

One of the most readily available things to talk about at the water cooler is the book each team member is currently reading. These conversations let avid readers share their love of stories or vent their disappointment about a poorly written novel. Fans of non-fiction can review their latest read and make recommendations for their coworkers to enjoy. If no one is currently reading, then your crew can chat about their favorite classic literature or cherished titles from childhood.

5. Films and Television

From the Netflix Top 10 to the latest Hulu series, few water cooler conversation starters get workers talking like a binge-worthy watch. Rather than trusting online reviews, teams can gather to share their opinions on their most recently binged selections. This topic may even lead to smaller breakout conversations, with subjects like sci-fi and fantasy programming prompting a separate discussion from romantic drama fare. Teammates can advise one another regarding what to watch, saving viewers around the office time and trouble when planning their streaming sessions.

6. Internet Trends

Internet trends are a constant source of unexpected entertainment, making them a perfect water cooler topic for ongoing discussions. From silly lip-syncing clips to choreographed dances, the trends change almost daily. Teammates can share a laugh over hilarious videos and even try out some of the trends themselves. If your group is game to learn choreography, then have them film their efforts and share them with a unique hashtag for the rest of the team to view.

7. Weekend Plans

Chatting about plans for the upcoming weekend can help your team power through an arduous week. Even some simple downtime spent in front of the television can be an exciting topic, especially if schedules have been particularly hectic. Workers looking for ideas to take advantage of their time off may find inspiration in listening to other team members share their plans. Sharing excitement about upcoming activities can provide enough spark to energize your crew for the final stretch of the workweek.

8. Favorites Lists

A list of favorites can provide an endless trove of water cooler topics to keep your team engaged. Simple subjects work best for keeping your list fun and easy to engage with. Topics like favorite food and favorite songs can apply to a hybrid crew, while specific topics like favorite pizza restaurant in town and favorite local hang-out are better for a localized in-person group. By posting daily topics on a whiteboard or via email, you can use all-time favorites as prompts for water cooler questions of the day.

Here is a list to get you started.

  1. Favorite band
  2. Favorite dessert
  3. Favorite animal
  4. Favorite car
  5. Favorite song
  6. Favorite cartoon character
  7. Favorite color
  8. Favorite scent
  9. Favorite flavor
  10. Favorite sound
  11. Favorite fruit
  12. Favorite sandwich
  13. Favorite shirt
  14. Favorite actor
  15. Favorite childhood toy
  16. Favorite game
  17. Favorite sports team
  18. Favorite show
  19. Favorite activity
  20. Favorite board game

You can explore other random questions to include in your water cooler conversations.

9. Brushes with Fame

Memorable meetings with celebrities can become exciting and funny water cooler topics around the office. Whether a chance encounter with a well-known actor or a prior position as an assistant to the stars, team members may have starstruck stories to share. If no team member has been lucky enough to meet a famous figure, then you can request each member to share their pick for a future encounter with the star of their choice.

10. Strange Talents

Strange talents make for fun water cooler topics with an interactive element. Workers may have a ready skill they only break out at parties, or they may be holding back a seldom-used ability they learned as a child. As long as these abilities are safe to demonstrate at work, a water cooler conversation can become an impromptu talent show that allows team members to show a lighter side of themselves.

11. Gratitude Reviews

Sharing gratitude is an excellent way to start a positivity circle around the water cooler. It may be an awkward conversation to initiate, but once the gratitude is in motion, teammates will take the cue and begin finding their own list of things to be grateful for. This type of chat should be a judgment-free zone, where no gratitude is too silly or insignificant to share. Inspiring others to see their lives through a lens of thankfulness may be one of the most meaningful uses of your team’s water cooler time.

12. Family Connections

Team members with notable figures in their family trees may be eager to share during a water cooler conversation. Asking your crew to share fun and interesting family sagas can open a fascinating discussion. Workers get the chance to learn about their workmates’ backgrounds and share their family histories. These tales can intrigue teammates eager to know more about their fellow employees.

13. Trivia Questions

By offering up water cooler trivia questions, workers can help one another expand their knowledge of odd and obscure facts. These questions cover about any topic, from science to nature to history. The more unusual the information, the more interesting the conversation!

Here is a list of trivia questions to get you started.

  1. What is the plastic piece at the ends of a shoelace called? An aglet.
  2. How many letters in the Greek alphabet? 24.
  3. What was the name of Abraham Lincoln’s dog? Fido.
  4. What is the name of the lowest point beneath any ocean on Earth? Challenger Deep.
  5. How many hearts does an octopus have? Three.
  6. Which sells better, Coke or Pepsi? Coke.
  7. What is the best-selling song of all time? White Christmas.
  8. Who was the first U.S. astronaut to travel into space? Alan Shepard, Jr.
  9. How many wives did King Henry VIII have executed? Two, Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard.
  10. What is the highest point in the U.S.? Denali, in Alaska.
  11. Which U.S. state names contain the letter B? Alabama and Nebraska.
  12. How many pancakes are in a short stack? Three.
  13. Which European city is home to the most cathedrals? Rome.
  14. What is the highest-grossing movie of all time? Avatar.
  15. Which U.S President was the only lifelong bachelor ever elected? James Buchanan.
  16. How many time zones are there around the globe? 24.
  17. What is the most spoken language on Earth? Mandarin.
  18. How many steps does it take to reach the top of the Eiffel Tower? 1665.
  19. What is the world’s most syndicated comic strip? Garfield, in 2,570 newspapers and 263 million readers in 2002.
  20. How many constellations are there in the night sky? 88

You can find other lists of trivia topics to share during your water cooler chats.

14. Pet Chat

Even more than doting on their fur babies, pet owners love sharing the exploits of their animals. Water cooler chat time is ideal for encouraging the pet lovers on your team to share their photos and videos or gush about the trouble their precious creatures get into. If your office is pet-friendly, then you can plan a Pet Day, where everyone can bring their pets to meet the crew. A session where critters are the stars of the show is a surefire conversation starter.

15. World Events

With constant media coverage of issues happening all around the globe, having a water cooler forum to discuss world events allows your team explore difficult subjects. When tragedies occur, the ability of the group to console one another can be a powerful tool for healing. Whether discussing the impact of humanitarian crises or exploring the significance of an economic downturn, workers can share perspectives and help each other form a deeper understanding.

16. Deep Questions

Water cooler questions that make workers think are great for getting beyond lighter topics. These questions cover personal experiences and preferences and can touch lightly on beliefs about bigger subjects like philosophy and the supernatural.

Here are some deep questions to get you started.

  1. Have you ever seen a UFO?
  2. Would you rather live in outer space or at the bottom of the ocean?
  3. Which historic age would you visit if time travel were possible?
  4. How old were you when you learned the truth about Santa?
  5. Do you prefer a beach resort or a mountain cabin?
  6. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  7.  What did you dream of being as a child?
  8. What has been your biggest adventure in life?
  9. Have you ever seen a ghost?
  10. What do you think is the most essential quality in a person?
  11. How many times have you been outside of the country?
  12. What moment in your life would you relive if you had the chance?
  13. Would you ever travel alone to a foreign country?
  14. If you could choose a theme song for the soundtrack of your life, what would it be?
  15. What qualities do you look for in a friend?
  16. What is your favorite holiday memory?
  17. Which do you think makes a better pet, a dog, a cat, or a goldfish?
  18. What color appears in clothing more than any other?
  19. What was your favorite age?
  20. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

You can check out team building trivia questions for more options.

17. Dream Vacations

Bringing up the subject of a dream vacation invites water cooler conversation with an element of sheer fantasy. Your team has the chance to share their wildest wishes for travel to far-off locales. From tropical escapes to theme park visits, workers living the nine-to-five life harbor a secret desire to get lost in a whole new environment. A breakroom session is the perfect setting to invite workers to share their memorable getaways.

18. Hobbies and Interests

Discussions about hobbies and interests can turn even the quietest workers into a chatterbox. When talking about their passions, team members can share aspects of their personality that may not be present during the workday. These topics also provide a chance for your crew to introduce their expertise to others who may have similar interests. A simple water cooler chat can evolve into a book club, a film review session, or a crafting forum for fellow enthusiasts to exchange knowledge and develop friendships.

19. Holiday Traditions

Finding time during holidays to chat about the traditions each team member observes allows your crew to share facts about their heritage and personal practices. This can be an excellent opportunity for diverse teams to explore various cultural celebrations. While standard holidays like Christmas and Easter may be the most obvious topics, sharing details about holidays like Diwali and Ramadan can provide your team a broader array of global festivities to explore.

​20. Cooking

Sharing favorite dishes and chatting about cooking shows is a great way to turn water cooler chat into a recipe exchange. Workers can pick up new tricks and tips to make their kitchen work easier and expand their home cooking selections. Cooking is also an open forum for team members from different backgrounds to share their cultural dishes. If you have a big enough crowd, then you can plan a potluck and invite the crew to make their best dishes. At the end of the year, the team can compile their recipes into a workplace cookbook representing their team’s culinary spirit.


Water cooler topics present a unique opportunity for teams to interact more personally. The informal nature of these chats allows otherwise reluctant members of the crew to open up a little more and show their coworkers significant aspects of their lives and their personalities. By presenting focused water cooler topics for workers to explore, leaders can bring their teams together in ways that reach beyond the workspace and into the hearts and minds of the individuals they lead.

Next, read about fun guessing games and poll questions for work events.

FAQ: Water cooler topics

Here are answers to frequently asked questions about water cooler topics.

What are water cooler conversations?

Water cooler conversations are chats that occur either in a breakroom, at a coffee station, or around an actual water cooler. These sessions are casual moments for team members to break away from their workstations and share information that may or may not relate to work.

What are water cooler topics and questions?

Water cooler topics and questions are tools you can use to spark conversation and introduce subjects that may benefit your team. You can choose work-related and non-work-related topics, depending on what may need discussion during your water cooler chat.

What are some good things to talk about around the water cooler?

Some good things to talk about around the water cooler are world events, work developments, and possibilities for self-improvement among your workers. Lighter fare, such as dream vacations and internet trends, also make engaging topics for water cooler talks.

Why are water cooler conversations important?

Water cooler conversations are important because they allow workers to decompress and connect personally. The relaxed setting and casual subjects of water cooler talk provide a safe space for workers to share their viewpoints and engage with one another in a lighthearted exchange. Water cooler conversations can also cover more serious topics, such as important world events or unexpected workplace changes.

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People & Culture Director at teambuilding.com.
Grace is the Director of People & Culture at TeamBuilding. She studied Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, Information Science at East China Normal University and earned an MBA at Washington State University.

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