Updated: December 23, 2022

121 Best Icebreakers For All Seasons in 2024

You discovered our list of fun seasonal icebreakers for work.

Seasonal icebreakers are questions used to generate conversations at work about the everchanging seasons and how team members feel year-round. Example questions include “would you rather build a snow person or have a snowball fight?”, “which of your coworkers would pull off the best April Fools’ Day prank?” and “how long was your longest road trip? would you do it again?” The purpose of these questions is to let team members share seasonal preferences and get to know more about each other beyond the scope of work.

These prompts are a subset of icebreaker questions and getting-to-know-you questions. You can use these ideas as icebreaker questions for virtual meetings or as team building questions during in-person events.

This list includes:

  • Winter icebreaker questions for work
  • Spring icebreaker questions for work
  • Summer icebreaker questions for work
  • Fall icebreaker questions for work
  • Icebreaker questions to ask anytime in the office

Here we go!

Winter icebreaker questions for work

  1. What is your go-to winter weeknight meal?
  2. Is winter hot or cold where you are?
  3. What is your favorite thing to wear in the winter?
  4. Do you celebrate any holidays during wintertime?
  5. What is your favorite winter activity?
  6. What is the thing you look forward to the least about winter?
  7. Would you rather experience winter in a cabin or at the beach?
  8. Would you rather never have winter again or only have winter all year?
  9. What is the coldest place you have ever been?
  10. Do you have a favorite winter memory?
  11. Is there a winter-related treat you look forward to every year?
  12. What is something you only do in the winter?
  13. If you could play any winter sport, what would it be?
  14. What is your winter beverage of choice?
  15. What celebrity would you want to spend the winter with?
  16. Would you rather build a snow person or have a snowball fight?
  17. Was it cold where you grew up? How cold?
  18. What movie do you watch every winter?
  19. What is something you do in the wintertime that you wish you could do all year long?
  20. Which animal best describes your wintertime behavior?
  21. Do you make New Year’s resolutions? And do you follow through with them?
  22. Is there a song that you think embodies winter?
  23. Which of your coworkers do you think thrives in the wintertime?
  24. Is winter your favorite season? Why or why not?
  25. What scent do you associate with winter?

Spring icebreaker questions for work

  1. Does spring make you want to clean things?
  2. What is your favorite spring meal?
  3. What is your beverage of choice for the spring?
  4. Do you celebrate any holidays in the spring?
  5. What is your favorite thing to wear in the springtime?
  6. What do you look forward to the most about spring?
  7. Spring is a time of renewal, does that resonate with you?
  8. What inspires you about spring?
  9. What gets you down about spring?
  10. Is spring your favorite season? Why or why not?
  11. What is your favorite spring activity?
  12. What song reminds you of spring?
  13. Which of your teammates do you think thrives during springtime?
  14. Do you have a favorite flower?
  15. What would you change about spring?
  16. Describe spring in one word.
  17. What is something you do in the springtime that you wish you could do all year long?
  18. If you could go anywhere in the world for spring, where would you go?
  19. Which of your coworkers do you think has an amazing garden?
  20. Which of your coworkers would buy a bunch of plants for the spring that are probably already dead?
  21. What scent do you associate with spring?
  22. Which of your coworkers would pull off the best April Fools’ Day prank?
  23. What does spring look like where you live?

Summer icebreaker questions for work

  1. Is it hot or cold during the summer where you are?
  2. You get to go on an all-expenses-paid vacation this summer. Where would you go?
  3. What is your favorite thing to eat during summer?
  4. What is your go-to daywear for summer?
  5. The latest summer horror film or the newest summer rom-com?
  6. Summer movie marathon or laying by a pool all day?
  7. Road trip or staycation in your own town?
  8. What song or artist reminds you of summer?
  9. If you could play any summer sport in the Olympics, what would it be and why?
  10. Describe summer in one word.
  11. What genre of book would you prefer to read in the summertime?
  12. What is your summer beverage of choice?
  13. Which of your coworkers do you think thrives in summer?
  14. What is your favorite summer activity?
  15. What is one of your best summer memories?
  16. What do you not like about summer?
  17. If you had to throw a summer party, what would be the theme?
  18. What’s one of your worst summer vacation stories?
  19. Is summer your favorite season? Why or why not?
  20. What scent do you associate with summer?
  21. Ice cream or popsicles?
  22. Do you celebrate any holidays during the summer?
  23. What is the most recent concert you went to?
  24. How long was your longest road trip? Would you do it again?

Fall icebreaker questions for work

  1. Do you celebrate any holidays during Autumn?
  2. What is your beverage of choice for fall?
  3. Hot cider or mulled wine?
  4. What do you look forward to every fall?
  5. Finish the sentence, “I know it’s fall when…”
  6. What song or artist embodies Autumn?
  7. What is your favorite outfit or items of clothing to wear in the fall?
  8. What meal do you crave during fall?
  9. Describe Fall in one word.
  10. What is quintessential viewing during the fall season?
  11. What is your favorite Fall activity?
  12. What is your least favorite thing about Fall?
  13. Picking apples at an orchard or going through a haunted house?
  14. Which one of your coworkers do you think thrives in the Fall?
  15. What is the best costume you have ever worn for Halloween?
  16. What is one of your most cherished fall memories?
  17. You get to go back to school for a day. What year would you pick and why?
  18. If you could experience Autumn anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  19. Sleep with socks on or off?
  20. Which of your coworkers do you think has the most elaborately decorated house for Fall?
  21. What scent do you associate with Fall?
  22. What does Fall look like where you live?

Icebreaker questions to ask anytime in the office

  1. In what season do you celebrate your birthday?
  2. What is your zodiac sign?
  3. Do you feel like the season you were born in accurately reflects who you are?
  4. Of the four seasons, which would you prefer to experience year-round?
  5. In what season do you feel the most vibrant?
  6. When do you feel your most confident self?
  7. What is the oldest piece of technology you own that still works?
  8. What is your favorite thing about your hometown?
  9. What is your favorite podcast?
  10. City or country?
  11. Mountains or beaches?
  12. What is comfort food to you?
  13. If you had access to a private jet right now, where would you go?
  14. What was your favorite show, book, or toy as a kid?
  15. Would you rather be able to time travel or read people’s minds?
  16. Would you rather always have to be 10 minutes late or 10 minutes early to everything?
  17. Video games or board games?
  18. Float in a bowl of ramen or swim in a river of chocolate?
  19. What decade or time period would you want to visit for a day?
  20. What is your most used emoji?
  21. How would your best friend describe you?
  22. How would your pet describe you?
  23. Do you hold onto things because you’re sentimental or are you the person who tosses things every six months that don’t spark joy?
  24. What is the first thing you ever learned how to cook?
  25. Is there a movie that helped form who you are today?
  26. What do you do to relax?
  27. If you could create a season, what elements would you use?

Final Thoughts

Seasons are events most people experience throughout the year, and thus an easy place to start building internal connections. Great icebreaker questions help build trust and create a more interpersonal work environment. These seasonal icebreakers are a good way to help teammates organically connect with each other during the year in and out of the office.

For more seasonal fun, check out virtual Fall team building activities and summer team building activities.

FAQ: Seasonal icebreakers

Here are answers to common questions about seasonal icebreakers.

What are some good winter icebreaker questions for work?

Some good winter icebreaker questions for work are:

  • Is there a song that you think embodies winter?
  • What is something you do in the wintertime that you wish you could do all year long?
  • What is the coldest place you have ever been?

The best winter icebreaker questions stimulate conversation about what winter is like where your team members live, and how they grew up. Different seasons stimulate different senses, which is a powerful connector among us all. Winter is often a time for embracing your inner homebody, but maybe a coworker thrives in a blizzard!

What are some fun summer icebreaker questions to ask coworkers?

Some fun summer icebreaker questions to ask coworkers are:

  • You get to go on an all-expenses paid vacation. Where would you go during the summer?
  • If you could play any summer sport in the Olympics, what would it be and why?
  • The latest summer horror film or the newest summer rom-com?

The best summer icebreaker questions get coworkers thinking about nostalgic summer vacations or future cookouts with friends and family. You might also find out some people’s summer looks a lot like your winter!

Why should you ask icebreaker questions year-round? 

Throughout the year at a company or on a team, the work environment changes. New hires come in on a rolling basis, team members go on vacation, and the busy season can make it so you do not see half of your coworkers for months. Asking icebreaker questions year-round is a guaranteed way to take time to build the internal connections needed for a healthy work culture and increase productivity. This exercise shows that you care and pay attention to your employees in and out of the office. These activities make moments to pause and remember your coworkers are human beings, and the more you get to know them, the stronger your workflow will be.

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People & Culture Director at teambuilding.com.
Grace is the Director of People & Culture at TeamBuilding. She studied Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, Information Science at East China Normal University and earned an MBA at Washington State University.

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