Updated: February 26, 2024

21 Best Employee Motivation Tips for Managers in 2024

You found our list of helpful employee motivation tips.

Employee motivation tips are ways a company can make their workers happy to be at work. Some examples include holiday newsletters, community efforts, and employee appreciation. These activities help boost morale and productivity at work. Satisfied employees are also less likely to quit the company, meaning reduced turnover.

Motivation is a vital team management skill, and the advice on this list doubles as good tips for first-time managers. You can use these tips alongside motivational quotes and books on motivation to inspire your team and inspire remote workers.

This article contains:

  • ways to motivate employees and increase productivity
  • motivational ideas for teams
  • employee motivation program ideas
  • ways to motivate employees as a leader

Here we go!

List of employee motivation tips

Worker output decreases when workers are disinterested in their work. The following motivational ideas for teams are ways to encourage employees and increase productivity.

1. Personalized Development Plans

Personalized development plans are an important part of an organization’s strategy to improve its workforce. These plans are customized roadmaps designed between employees and their managers. The goal of these plans is to align individual aspirations with the company’s goals. For instance, these roadmaps can include opportunities for skill enhancement, career progression, and personal growth. By tailoring development plans to each worker’s unique strengths, weaknesses, and interests, organizations show a genuine commitment to their employees’ professional journey. As a result, employees are more engaged, feel valued, and learn new skills. Ultimately, these plans better equip workers to contribute meaningfully to their roles and the overall success of the organization.

2. Job Enrichment

Job enrichment enhanced employee motivation and satisfaction by redesigning job roles to be more engaging and fulfilling. This approach involves adding new responsibilities, challenges, and opportunities for skill development to an employee’s existing duties. By offering more autonomy, decision-making authority, and task variety, job enrichment makes work more interesting. In addition, this step encourages employees to take ownership of their roles. This ownership can lead to increased job satisfaction, higher levels of engagement, and improved overall performance. Employees will feel more connected to their work and its impact on the organization.

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3. Profit Sharing

Profit-sharing programs distribute a portion of a company’s profits among its employees. By tying employee rewards directly to the company’s financial success, profit-sharing fosters a sense of shared ownership and responsibility for the organization’s performance. This approach motivates employees to work more efficiently and effectively and aligns their interests with the company’s profitability. As profits increase, so do the rewards, creating a win-win situation. Employees benefit from their collective efforts and contributions to the company’s bottom line.

4. Performance-Based Bonuses

With performance-based bonuses, employees receive monetary rewards based on their individual or team performance. These bonuses are typically tied to specific, measurable goals and objectives. Performance-based bonuses recognize and reward outstanding contributions and provide a clear link between effort and compensation. This technique can boost motivation, improve productivity, and create a culture of continuous improvement. The criteria for earning these bonuses must be transparent and fair, fostering a sense of equity and trust within the organization.

5. Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday is one of the most effective employee motivation program ideas since it gives your employee a chance to start the week on a high note. Monday is the best day of the week to start fresh. For this activity, have your workers list the three most important tasks for the week and set a deadline for each. You could place a goals board that employees can see daily as a visual prompt. Writing the goals on a sticky note can help you focus on the activities that will have the most impact this week. Motivational Monday helps workers kick off the week on the right foot and boost motivation.

6. Newsletters

Distributing a newsletter is one of the most efficient means of promoting internal communication in a firm. Each quarter or the holidays is the perfect time to create a fun newsletter. The newsletter might include pictures from the company’s last team building event or retreat. You can also list the company’s most notable accomplishments, along with a brief acknowledgment of your employees’ efforts. The CEO may record a video message if the newsletter is digital, praising the staff’s hard work and commitment. These measures help show staff how much your firm values and appreciates them.

7. Employee Appreciation Awards

If workers feel unappreciated at work, they will be less motivated to put in the extra effort. Some of the most common complaints from departing workers is a lack of acknowledgment. You can host a short ceremony to recognize workers for their contributions to the company’s success and to allow them to show their gratitude. Recognizing and rewarding workers for their efforts encourages them to do a better job. Creating a work culture where employees feel valued and celebrated may also help boost satisfaction, loyalty, and retention rates.

Here is a guide to virtual award programs.

8. Community Volunteering Efforts

Giving back to the community is one of the most effective employee satisfaction activities. Your staff may do good in the world in a coordinated effort by holding charity events, volunteering, and collecting donations. You can also create greeting cards for residents in nursing homes, shelters, and children’s hospitals. Taking time away from regular duties to assist a charitable organization strengthens team cohesion and communication across departments. The staff’s drive will also rise as a result of this effort.

Check out this list of group volunteer opportunities.

9. Small, Trackable Milestones

Almost every employee has been part of a project that seems to go on forever. Being stuck in a rut may be discouraging, but seeing tangible progress is always encouraging. Furthermore, the results are unmistakable proof that our efforts are having an effect. Creating specific, measurable goals and keeping track of your progress toward them is critical. Clear, attainable objectives give teams a target to work toward and serve as a source of motivation with each milestone reached. Going a step further and celebrating your success will have a multiplier effect.

One of the many benefits of defining manageable, specific objectives is that it creates several chances to recognize and reward your team’s efforts. However, this idea does not mean breaking down how much each teammate’s work matters to the company’s bottom line.

Having a clear mental picture of your goal helps you work toward it more effectively. Top performers, from singers to CEOs to professional sports, use this method to boost their drive. You are already well on your way if you can articulate your goal. You can facilitate discussion on what it would take to reach the goal. The good idea is to share the individual’s progress toward the goal to inspire others to keep going.

10. Office Fuel

Hunger makes it difficult to concentrate and push yourself. Therefore, keeping every employee nourished, watered, and, in certain situations, caffeinated is crucial for satisfaction. In reality, many workers get so involved in their job that they hardly have time to have lunch. As a result, employees will not be at their most productive, and the stress is bad for their health.

A simple method to help your staff maintain energy levels throughout the day is to have nutritious snacks around the office or to provide a meal stipend for remote workers. You may expect your team’s enhanced productivity to more than cover the expense of supplying that fuel. Several excellent services exist to take the burden off your shoulders when maintaining a supply of nutritious snacks for your workplace. Examples include WorkPerks, NatureBox, and Instacart.

11. Regular Breaks

Trying to solve an issue by going at it for hours is usually a waste of time. You should encourage employees to take a breather and refocus their attention. This habit is important for motivation and for mental health, too.

A sedentary lifestyle or overwork is detrimental to health. For employees working from home, taking a little break every hour or two may do wonders for the body and the mind. It is advisable to take a break from work and go outside every once in a while. Employees can stand up, walk around, rest their eyes, and refocus before returning to tasks.

12. Personal Projects

Many forward-thinking businesses allow their staff to devote part of their time to independent pursuits. Creating an environment that encourages intrapreneurship is a great way to boost employee satisfaction and hold on to the company’s top talent.

You can give your staff Friday afternoons or Monday mornings off to work on a personal project that relates to your industry. If you let your imagination run wild at work, you could just develop the next big innovation in your industry. Companies like Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Apple have depended on an intrapreneurial culture to drive employees. By creating “mini-companies” inside the corporation, CGI serves as a paradigm of this corporate model culture. Furthermore, Google’s most successful products, such as Gmail, AdSense, and Google News, were all developed with the help of the company’s 20 percent “pet project” allocation.

13. Transparency

Transparency means openly sharing information with your team members. Transparency fosters confidence in one another, which is the foundation of every relationship, whether personal or professional. One of the greatest ways to build trust with your team is to be open and honest with them. When your team trusts you, they are more likely to be invested in their job and driven to do their best. Transparency also guarantees everyone is on the same page, which is highly beneficial.

Understanding your work’s end purpose is essential for maintaining enthusiasm and drive. Many workers feel this way because their employers are open and honest. The efficacy and motivating force of transparency decrease without clarity. It is quite difficult to put true motivation into something you do not know or are confused about. Therefore, make sure you are offering every employee a clear and distinct objective they can become motivated about from the start.

14. Brainstorming Sessions

You can also organize group discussions on how team members want to see the group evolve. You may have some thoughts about where you want to lead your team, but if you want to keep them motivated, it is important to offer them some say. You can gather your staff together regularly, maybe once a quarter or before beginning a new project or effort, to discuss changes or development ideas.

The discussion could include how employees feel about the current state of affairs, growth opportunities, and ways to collaborate to develop and shift in ways that advance the team’s mission and vision.

15. Minimal Micromanagement

The morale of your staff will plummet if they believe you are always micromanaging their every move. Rather, let employees have a greater say in their working conditions and procedures. You can set up a meeting and poll your staff on their ideal process flow to get some insight. Putting your employees in charge of their own workflow will make them feel more in charge of their day-to-day job and long-term careers. The effect will be increased productivity in the workforce.

Here are the signs of micromanagement.

16. Motivational Champions

Some folks are just born with greater drive than others. Those workers might be one of the most effective methods of team motivation at your disposal as a manager. You should identify your team’s most optimistic, enthusiastic members and focus on developing their skills. It is advisable to schedule frequent one-on-one sessions with these workers and use the time to learn more about how you can best assist them.

These workers can lead team gatherings, projects, and initiatives. These go-getters should have as many avenues for leadership and guidance as possible. If you promote the most enthusiastic workers to leadership positions, their enthusiasm will rub off on the rest of the staff. The team’s morale and outlook will improve.

17. Incentives

When you need to motivate your team for a project, it helps to offer employees a reason to care about the outcome. Offering a $100 gift card to the team member who achieves the highest quarterly sales objective is one way to push the team to do well. You can tell your staff that if they complete the assignment by the deadline you have set, you will buy them lunch to encourage them to work diligently. Giving your employees a reward for their hard work will give them the added incentive they need to succeed.

18. Team Building Exercises

Team building activities strengthen relationships and trust among teams. Your team members need to feel comfortable with one another if they will perform at their highest levels. If your goal is to inspire your team to greater heights of achievement, you should create an atmosphere to build trust.

Team building activities will encourage them to work together and achieve better results. The trend toward telecommuting, however, may make it more difficult to schedule such activities. You should plan at least one modest team-building activity weekly, such as a virtual coffee break or office trivia to bring in-person and remote employees together. After-work outings like visiting escape rooms or bowling alleys can help your team bond and get closer.

Here is a list of team building exercises.

19. Work Resources

Your workforce can not accomplish its job effectively without basic necessities, including enough pay, up-to-date technology, and room for professional growth. Further, if your team lacks these necessities, morale may suffer, struggle to complete their tasks, and feel less invested in their work or inspired to keep going.

A great idea is to meet with the organization’s leadership and inform them of your difficulties as a team. The team’s potential will suffer until you find a way to give them what they need to succeed. This situation may cause problems with employee retention. You will try your best to provide the necessary resources for your employees. However, knowing that you made an effort to advocate for them might still inspire them to work more in the future.

20. Exemplary Leadership

Exemplary leadership is one of the ways to motivate employees as a leader. A lack of personal motivation will trickle down to your employees. As a result, if you want to inspire your staff, come to work in a positive frame of mind. If you want your team to adopt a more upbeat demeanor at work, one strategy is to model that attitude yourself in their interactions with you. You should invest in your professional progress to inspire others to do the same. It is up to you as the leader to inspire your team by following your own advice and setting a good example.

Here is a list of good leadership qualities.

21. Workplace Rituals

Workplace rituals and traditions are great ways to motivate employees to embrace being part of a team or organization. The simple repetition of certain activities can help employees feel like a part of a whole, and can create a shared sense of identity in the workforce. Introducing new hires to these traditions can be a good way to welcome new employees and help them feel like part of the team. Traditions are also a great way to create cohesive culture in remote working environments, where employees work in different locations and perhaps on asynchronous schedules. By choosing things to do regularly together as a team, you foster ongoing belonging and encourage workers to get more involved.

Browse these workplace ritual ideas.


Successful companies understand the importance of employee-motivating strategies. One of the keys to success in any workplace is knowing how to encourage workers. Highly motivated workers will put in more effort and show greater loyalty to the company’s goals. If work conditions are not right, employees may become less efficient and less driven. Keeping your staff happy and engaged until the year’s end is possible with careful planning and a few well-timed events.

Next, check out motivational songs for work and examples of employee coaching.

FAQ: Employee motivation tips

Here are frequently asked questions about employee motivation tips.

What are employee motivation tips?

Employee motivation tips are excellent ways to boost morale in the workplace. Motivated employees have a sense of purpose and growth at work. These ideas also lower employee turnover.

What are some good employee motivation tips?

Some good employee motivation tips include Motivational Monday, Brainstorming Sessions, and Transparency. Positive attitudes, increased productivity, and job satisfaction are the results of these tips. In addition, planned activities for workers help reduce unplanned absences and burnout.

How do you motivate employees?

There is no universal method for boosting morale in the workplace. Instead, various teams need various incentives. In other words, if you want to know how to inspire your staff, just ask them. You can gather your staff for a meeting and inquire how you can best inspire them to do their best job. Individual meetings should be followed up to get insight into how to best inspire your staff. Then, use the team’s input to inspire them in a way that sticks.

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People & Culture Director at teambuilding.com.
Grace is the Director of People & Culture at TeamBuilding. She studied Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, Information Science at East China Normal University and earned an MBA at Washington State University.

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